Work Packages
Key Outcomes
SWOT Analysis
An overview of the Blue Bioeconomy in exploiting living resources will be obtained, consulting key stakeholders and reviewing existing literature.
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference will be created, capturing the essential considerations in searching for new compounds (mainly biomolecules).
Selection and Identification of Organisms
Each partner will select and identify a series of organisms using different methods for further laboratory analysis. Different analytical techniques will be used for their characterisation.
Feasibility and Effects Studies
Once the optimised high added value products have been identified, feasibility and effects studies will be conducted to ensure their safety.
Methodologies to Establish Pathways for Industrial Implementation
Optimal methodologies will be established for each of the compounds selected in WP1, and the expertise of the BEAP-MAR consortium will be combined with feedback obtained from industrial stakeholders in the BEAP-MAR Workshops. The overview of the industrial pathway for these methodologies will be described
Validation of Methodologies
At least 4 methodologies are expected to be selected and validated, which will involve a comparative analysis of the developed methods. The development and validation of these methodologies will enable their subsequent industrial development and transfer to the value chains of the Blue Bioeconomy.
Product Tests
A total of 8 Product Tests will be carried out, 2 in each partner country. The Product Tests designed as technology and knowledge transfer procedures to create innovative, sustainable and cost-effective high-value products derived from compounds.
Online Community
The online platform will act as a meeting point between project partners and identified stakeholders.
Catalogue of Marine Organisms
To increase the knowledge about Atlantic Area resources and organisms.
Joint Action Plan
This will include lessons learned from a regulatory and industrial perspective with an action plan going forward.
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